So if you ask Google what an SEO agency is they say this
(or rather another website says this that they steal it from)

An SEO agency will identify opportunities to acquire links from relevant industry sites, quality directories, and various other sources. The idea is to generate traffic from these sources by ensuring the link points to something that will deliver value to the reader.

Yeah, I guess link building is PART of it, but what’s gross is that answer doesn’t really talk about how important SEO is.

Because SEO isn’t just [search engine optimization] anymore. SEO touches
everything your business does

SEO is all about increasing your visibility online, and sure, we start in organic search, but your website is going to appear everywhere

User experience? That touches SEO. People having the best time on your website will help your website rank better and appear more often.

Conversion? Yep, touches SEO. If the website does its job effectively and efficiently while providing a solid user experience that’ll absolutely help visibility.

Other paid marketing channels? SEO can help make them more efficient. It can help you spend less, increase the quality of your ads, and increase the quality of your landing pages.

Content? I mean, yeah, of course. That touches SEO. Keywords you should be targeting vs keywords you SHOULDN’T be targeting.

Do you see why that answer from Google sucks so bad? It’s not just link acquisition. It’s not just any one of those things at all - It’s everything.

That’s why we love what we do when it comes to SEO – We love helping you grow your business online. But we’re not just going to limit ourselves to sending over PDFs and rank reports.

We’re going to be a partner to get you to grow.

So now you know how we approach SEO – Here’s the brass tacks of what we offer:

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You don’t have time to waste. We understand. So we won’t waste any either.

Type in your details. We’ll get you a quote instantly if we can. We’ll get you one in under 12 hours if we can’t. 

Good luck finding an agency that’ll do that without 18 email strings and 3 intro meetings.

Alright let's get to it